Monday 24 March 2014

Key points to consider before I begin filming

How do you ensure you get the well thought out professional shots you need?
·         Storyboarding and plan it out.
·         Practice shooting in desired area.
·         Knowing the shots you want to use and practicing them.
·         Take time to line up all your shots correctly and make note.
·         NEED tripods, unless wanting hand-held shots involved.
·         Rehearse with the camera beforehand.
·         When shooting make you shoot more than once!
·         Consider lighting, DON’T film at sunset.
·         Run camera slightly before and after shot to make editing easier for me.
·         Film all shots in the same scene on the same day.
How do you ensure that your actors are ready to be filmed?
·         Make sure they are suitable for what you wanted.
·         Give them a personal script and the basics before filming.
·         Show or give them a copy of the storyboard so they know the image you actually have for the whole film.
·         Make sure they know the whole of the dialogue.
·         Make sure I take time out to check up on the actors so they don’t fall off task.
·         Make sure they understand the task fully and there is a clear outline to everything.
·         Rehearse beforehand.
·         Make sure they know where they need to be and when they need to be there.
·         Make sure they fit the desired costumes, either providing for them or inform requirements.
·         Inform type of shots taking place with them, so it isn’t a surprise.
·         Make sure you stay in contact with the actors so you can all stay up-to-date.


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